Thursday, January 14, 2010

Avatar and Life Purpose

Hello All:

We start this year with an amazing acquantance with AVATAR, the movie that shakes the very foundation of belief in every sense. Through 3-D glasses we look into the eyes of a mythical man identifying with search for purpose and struggle for peace. The mythological creature/human quickly becomes our hero on the path, as the movie progresses.

The main character Jack Sully went on a mission because, due to his circumstances, he happened to be "chosen". Only he could begin to inhabit the fulfillment of the expensive investment and the mission of the AVATAR project.

Initially, Jack has no knowledge where he was going and what awaited him in this mission. He had no particular intention about it, or direction, or sense of role of himself in this project's bigger picture.

As the story develops, the hero steps onto the path of quick decision making and learning to be confident in choosing the further path. He uncovers the information that enables him to begin to make decisions on his path  that lead to his transformation and deep awareness of his larger role in the script of life.

As I am not intending to tell you the story of the movie, I have the intention to bring your attention to the story of your own life. What myth do you follow?

Are you prepared to fulfill your role?

What is your role in the bigger picture of your people's life?

How do you contribute?

How do you make your decisions?

I welcome your input to this discussion and open forum of people living their life on purpose.

Please respond to this post via link Respond here. I look forward to our discussions.

Love and Light,