Sunday, October 25, 2009

Purpose is Your Choice

Today at the gym I worked out hard to make up for the last few days that I wasn't able to go. I finished my workout with a couple of rounds of my Tai-Chi form, which I have learned so far in the class  of  Basic Tai-Chi - mediation in movement.

In the sauna after the workout, there was a woman laying flat, and as I walked in, she asked what kind of dance this is that I do. I explained that it was Tai-Chi, meditation in movement, exercise for health and wellness, and, as my teacher-master says, so "there will never be any arthritis". She got interested, and asked: " NO pain?" I said, no pain, anywhere, at all.

She asked my age and when I told her, she asked me how I manage to stay so thin. She told me that she was at least 30 pounds overweight, and she probably was. I am not good at pounds counting. That was the next twist in the conversation, as I explained that in the recent years, I quit cookies, and all processed sugar altogether. The woman looked at me with disbelief, and accused me of lying. "No sweet?" She looked at me with a sly smile. But "No", I said, "I have no interest in lying to you".  I told her that I started exercising aggressively with a trainer, recently, and I joined the Tai-Chi group.

This year, around my birthday, I realized that if I wanted to stay healthy and pain-free, regardless of what my genetic heritage is, I must do the work myself. I decided that in some spiritual sense it is easy and possible to reverse aging, why not. If you eat good healthy food, and exercise, and believe that it works, why not?  Our mind s very powerful, and the power of intent is very strong.

I thought if I am getting younger every day, I can get more done in a day, and I can actually then have more energy and work with more people who need me do the work with them. And once I can work with more people, I can contribute to the world in a wider bigger sense, in other words, bring more good to the world. Which is what my purpose actually is, as I see it, so far as I learned about it from my spiritual guidance.

So the idea of feeling younger, while adding the numbers onto my age got me excited. Once I got motivated, I could get going. Usually, it is the motivation, the purpose of that achievement, rather the lack of, that is holding us back.

The woman asked me if I had a job. I said that what I do isn't a job. I told her that I take people like you to the center of your soul to get acquainted with who you are, and connect with the purpose of your life, so you can get going too. 

I said, it is easy to do, just decide.

So I decided to share this little story with you so you can decide what you want, where you want to get going, what motivates you?

Find out the purpose that drives you.

To contact Morrin, send your questions, comment, visit this page for more information, and click to sign your e-mail address to join this blog.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Life In Between?

The leap of faith we take thinking about the purpose of our life sometimes leads up to an unknown path.

Recently, I worked with a woman who was looking to resolve the unrequited love from 15 years ago.  The woman (let's call her Lisa) spent with me one of her holidays (!), and as we worked toward having a successful session she prepared well to get all her information from the higher consciousness state. She wrote a bunch of questions for the higher consciousness to provide her answers.

We worked for 2 hours, and in the end she found the solution to her lingering unresolved feeling. Lisa thought is was about him, or having lost his love, and not being able to move on and have the life that she wants.

This woman was really holding onto the sad past, and only decided to begin to explore her story, having heard of advanced spiritual integration and working with spiritual guides exploring her soul and her life in between the lives on Earth.

Instead, the connection she experienced with her past love during this hypnosis experience brought her amazing peace, and the conclusively resolved her emotional pain. Now in the state of higher hypnotic awareness, she sat with a tear in her eyes.

Question was asked for her to her higher guidance: What lesson are you learning with him? The answer came right away: Continuing exploration of feelings of love with this soul.

Then questions about the past lives together redefined past and present purpose for her, showed more information that was helpful to her, as they were previously together in almost all variations, but never married.

What is the next step: she was given a choice to move on, come back to seek his love again, and start being more loving altogether. Her guidance led her through steps in each path as her choices unfolded into different lives.

Lisa was in awe with the choices she was missing so far, by lingering in the pain of the past. With amazing convictions she made the final decisions in new commitments to her life now, receiving her parting messages from her guidance.

After that session, I was reminded about my own recent update of spiritual integration, resembling the story I wrote about on my page in 2005.

So what is life in between lives?  Who gets to go on that journey and experience that heightened awareness in the light of nurturing love of our guidance? Do we need to die to know what is out there? Who turns off the light, (or who keeps the light on??)

Just out of curiosity, have you experienced deep hypnosis lately? How do you find fulfillment for your soul? Where do you look for it? And how do you know what is the right thing to do to resolve the past an start moving in the direction of your future?

Explore your life, explore your soul.  Let me hear your comments, questions, share experiences, thoughts.

With Love and Light,
