Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What "The Secret" Left Out That You MUST Know

The Secret never told us that the affirmation must have positive action in it. Then and only then it becomes a tool for manifestation. 


Take your goal and create a suggestion to yourself regarding this goal. Make this suggestion positive and action oriented. 

So you need to compose your own suggestion in agreement with your goal, remember that all suggestions work. And they create success. Even if the result is perceived as failure. This only means that the goal was not clearly defined, or the suggestion was vague, or action was missing. As the NLP founder Richard Bandler says, "There is no failure, only feedback". 

For example, if you say to yourself: "Uh, I am so stupid to have done that! "
This is a powerful suggestion subtly entering into your pattern of thinking about yourself and reiterated, reinforces itself into your belief system. Having absorbed something into your belief system it is not easy to change or remove it, even if the belief is no longer useful toward the life that you desire.

This is why it is more effective to use positive suggestions right away. 

If you were to create positive direction in regard to those suggestions you would repeat to yourself something like the following: I get smarter every day. 

As you further reward yourself with remarks like, "I am smart to do that," you would then reinforce the positive patterns. 

To create positive action suggestions imagine what you want, not to what you don't want.
This is important, because most people like to describe what they want through what they don't want.

For example, you want to act smart. Say:

I act smart,

instead of :

I do stupid stuff.

Remember, that what you say to yourself is the command that you hear yourself reiterate. You experience this command in all senses. You begin to move toward the direction you command yourself to. And it had better be a direction you want!


The above example is a simple and easy beginning. Learning to implement suggestions exercises toward your specific goal you must take a specific concrete goal. 

For example, 
Pick a word (one word) most representing how you want to feel (not what you don't want).

Some people choose the word "confident," or "calm". 

Say that word out loud and then close your eyes for a moment of absorbing this suggestion. Don't think, just rest. Allow your suggestion to take root in your mind. Then take a breath and open your eyes and find yourself more confident or calm, or whatever you chose.

This exercise takes only a moment or so to do, and yes, you are correct, you will find that a few moments a day will strengthen your confidence and ability to be calm, if you do this exercise daily and regularly ( for example 3 times a day).


Further exercise will involve a more specific goal. To do this it is best to work with an instructor, although you can begin to create the suggestions and feel free to send them in to me to check the accuracy of your composition. The components of the personal suggestion must include positive action. 

Action must be actionable, doable and believable for you and also of course, measurable enough, so you can check your results. 

For example, you want to begin going to the gym regularly. You compose a suggestion as follows:

I find time to go to the gym three times a week. 

Finding motivation is one of the major components of the working positive action suggestion. Find your motivation and you have major breakthrough success in making your suggestion take root in changing your life.

Reach out to Morrin, get your suggestion done and get your project propelled forward!

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