Monday, May 23, 2011

Brain Waves For Higher Levels

There are states of mind that bring you deeper into your inner reality, that evoke higher and more extra-ordinary thoughts and create ways of being that otherwise are inconceivable.

These states are higher consciousness states. They are deeply relaxing and meditative, inspirational and motivating. These states that are based on higher frequency EEG, inspire your purposeful intentions, they create in you meditative experiences, and experiences unimaginable previously, like memories from the past, or future of your own creation.

History of Brain Waves

Brain waves are measured by an electro-encephalo-grapher EEG, to measure the activity in your brain during a particular thought process. The process was described by Dr. Hans Berger in 1924, and as often happens, the scientist discovered evidence that under certain conditions the electrical current emitting from the brain is indicative of the condition of the person's state.

What Are Brain Waves?

The active brain function is described as Beta state and is indicative of high level of alertness, concentration, fast thinking, brainstorming ideas. We find being in this state in conversation with another, looking for keys, figuring out a way out, etc.

Alpha is a more relaxed state with slower brain function, found in light meditative states. Walking in the park, shopping, exercising, eating, or reading are perfect examples of light trance state in alpha, bringing along visualization, creativity, learning and relaxation.

Theta is an even more relaxed state of mind, while day-dreaming, watching the flowers grow, in an even deeper relaxed ways, brings deeper insight, evokes memories, intuition, mental imagery, healing and states of floating and disconnect with time.

Delta is a state of light and deep dreaming leading to very relaxed sleep, restoration and healing.

There is one more deeper yet insightfully more alert state - Gamma, in which the brain activity picks up, sometimes recorded as higher that in actively brainstorming state, yet coming from a more relaxed positive bias, an inner wisdom state. We connect to our angels, universal wisdoms, and higher consciousness while in this state.

How to use these states for Higher Levels of Consciousness?

Any time you want or need to access any particular level of consciousness, determine the intent with which you will approach the work. Because what you will be doing here is reaching into your human potential, connected with the level of the creativity and insight.

If you are looking to get creative and insightful, using Alpha through Theta states will be helpful.

If you are looking to get connected to compassion, eternal wisdom, love and knowing, using Gamma state is most appropriate.

Using Beta state for brainstorming ideas, and creating powerful insightful results will be beneficial if starting from Alpha relaxed mode at first. The superconscious connection allows for the charge and infusion of the calm energy, and the evoking the experiences of self in the higher purpose state, easier accessed if started form a positive bias and relaxation.

How to use Brain States on your own?

Most people say they want to achieve their highest potential, yet are unaware what they need to do to get there. There are several ways to get to the place you want to be. Some prefer to use hypnosis and meditation, walking or laying down, relaxing and letting go. Some naturally reach the states of relaxe "flow" when they immerse themselves into what they love to do. Setting your mind on achieving a deeper state of quiet contemplation, concentrating only on the positive and allowing yourself to shift to the extra-ordinary realm of peaceful creativity and inspiration and allowing the wisdom to arise from within is easier than your think.

Just letting go is the first step with which everyone needs to start. Allow the peace and inspiration to gently envelope you. Experience the peace inside, where in the center of your being the deep concentration of the wisdom is, stay there, and breathe. Allow the creativity to arise.

Morrin Bass is an award winning professional instructor of certification hypnosis programs, self-hypnosis and meditation, author and professional speaker on women's success. 

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