Saturday, May 28, 2011

Interfere With Your Brain

A woman tells me about a wonderful experience, imagining herself at her future baby birth, the way she wants to be at her birth, enjoying herself, and the sound of her husband's voice, leading her through breathing into relaxation so she looks relaxed and at peace. Telling  about this imaginary experience she actually looks like she feels it as real. She looks up to the sky and giggles. And just as she basks in this experience, ...a thought comes up, her forehead habitually wrinkles, eyes look at me with a question, as she, following that thought, forgets about her wonderful imaginary experience, and injects herself into a psychological nightmare of her imaginary worry.

Sounds familiar?

Many of us follow this pattern of habit:

Enjoy an experience and suddenly stop, interrupt themselves and begin to follow a familar path of another experience.

It is nothing else but a habit, but a strong habit nonetheless.

Remember, when you were a child, maybe 2 or 3 you may have been standing in the yard wondering, or  laying on the grass staring at the world, just like a young mom's 2-year-old son was last week in the playground. She pushed him gently forward and said - "Go, enjoy yourself, play, run, do something!" How do we know that this little human being is NOT enjoying himself at the moment already?

Why do parents feel free to interrupt the experience a child is having in oder to inflict an experience they want him to have?

And although it is impossible to have the other person's experience, we begin to learn to put our experiences in a box, since the early age.

We begin to learn that being who we are is simply unsafe and impractical. That it is a lot easier to respond than not respond, and we begin to pay attention to things that possibly may take away our attention from a good thing. We begin to live a life of PROTECTION, trying to protect what we have from what may happen, desperately looking into the future trying to guess, what is going to happen next.

This is what people want to know most - what is going to happen?

Young parents want assurance that they know what is going to happen during the birth, that they will be able to sustain themselves and they kids, that they are going to be good parents, all the while forgetting to be human, to be themselves, and to let their children the same allowance - to be themselves.

But forget analysis of the past, let us move on from what we have now. As they say, now this, what next? What CAN we do to create the reality we want.

Interrupting the interruptions is the best practice, exercising which giving very rapid and creative results. The basis of this exercise is 3 step.
1. Experience or imagine an experience of something you want to experience. Notice how good it feels.
2. Notice when the interrupting thought or experience comes up.
3. Continue your experience of delight, simultaneously imagining the interruption fade away at a periphery of your inner vision.

This is easy to do, all you have to do is actually do it a few times consciously.

I trained myself very quickly to be very deeply concentrated on a task at hand when I started working on a trading floor of a screaming testosterone filled room of an trading floor of an investment bank. I actually can concentrate in the same effective way, even now, equally if there is quiet or when there is noise in the room.

It is an easy exercise to follow, so follow me now, into some research on the brain activity. Recent neuro-research shows that it is possible to create excitation in brain cells by delivering electric signals stimulation directly to those cells, and "have a way to intervene and experiment with entire brain circuits, to affects the wider global activity of the entire brain." (Scientific American, May, 2010) 

Stimulation leads to the lighting up of the brain in pertaining areas with increased blood flow to them. For personal development this means there are shortcuts to the potential big transformational changes in a brain. According to research, it becomes possible to use the language, and configurations of words, sounds and visual imagery to imprint onto certain areas the desired result, which in turn would create the perception of the reality that is just as real, only desired.

As a result of such work, people begin to redirect their efforts, behavior, and activities and love the life that they want. Continuous reinforcement of activities that bring desired result, and interruption of activities that don't, eventually creates a new habit, of interruption the interruption, which leads to desired success.

Now, the only thing is left to decide - what limitation do you want to let go of and just cut off the support in your current behavior.

My pregnant lady learned the exercise of interrupting the interruptions very quickly. After all she really wants the positive peaceful birth. The habit however, is very strong. Thinking, doubting and worrying is hard wired into us to protect ourselves. Applying positive reinforcement, with duration and intensity makes this possible to create the experience of your life. So, go ahead, decide what you want.

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